I was looking through release dates on Gamestop and i usually dont pay too much attention since they are always changing and never rght, however just curious y i say unreal 3 for xbox out in september and it shows it coming Jan 2008 for the ps3. Only reason it caught my eye so much is a game that was all ps3 before it was multi plat i would expect to be swapped anyone heard anything or is this just another screw up to add to the list of GS achievments. Just wondering
I don't really care at this point, by pushing it back so much and letting so many greater game come out first, i have no reason to get it. This game was supposed to be released in Q1 of this year.
do you really believe gamestop, they were wrong about so many release dates, if anything, both were dated for jan 08, but being the lemmings they are, neglected to change the PS3 UT3 release date to Sept when they did it for the 360s.
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