Hands on:
"We fired up the PS3 version, and the first thing we noticed was how crisp it looked."
Also this game will be running at 60FPS. And and and MOUSE/KEYBOARD support. And Pc/ps3 multiplay :o
And this game will take advantage of blu ray.
Mark Rein, the main dev, also said something kinda funny:
"Same level of AA between 360/PS3, both @ 60fps. Hate on the PS3 all you want guys, but we've done did it up right for the Sony lovers. Nothing has been 360 footage yet touted as PS3, you crack-heads! I'm not sure whats up with what you guys might have seen at E3, but we do have AA on the PS3." lol he said crackheads.
"If you think down the road - well maybe the next UT beyond this one - on Blu-ray we might fill the whole damn disc with all the cool stuff the mod makers make."
This is good news :)
"we may have fewer maps on the 360 version ... Blu-ray has definitely given us a lot of legroom".
This is developer blog post and not my opinion on any 360/ps3 rivalry.
Also, this is the engine the used to make GearsOfWar, which had descent graphics.
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