we already knew from the beginning plus who knows mark rein said they still have to talk to microsoft on how to share and use mods on the 360 version. 360 don't have alot of true exclusive they are 360/PC so I won't miss anything by owning a PS3.
This has been known for a while.Is a "timed exclusive"..therefore the 360 version wont come out till around mid next year.alphadragon00
or later... The info of it being a timed exclusive has been around for quite a long time. The only time they led us to believe it was for PS3 (no matter what PC of course) was E3 2005? I think it was 2005. UT3 hasn't really ever been an PS3 exclusive mainly for the fact that if Epic is that stupid to remove UT from the PC then they should stop making games...
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