Now that Sony has announced they will be more aggressive about PS1 classics, what games do you want to see?
I'll start off with two: Crono Cross and Silent Hill
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Now that Sony has announced they will be more aggressive about PS1 classics, what games do you want to see?
I'll start off with two: Crono Cross and Silent Hill
Quite a few. I missed out on quite a few game on my PS (I wasn't able to purchase many games back then).
RE2 and 3, Gran Turismo, Syphon Filter, Tomb Raider, and a couple others but i forget their names...Army Men 3-D you could throw in there...there are so many you know its hard o think of certain ones i want...ill have to look at a list and say oh i want that one...
A lot of the regular/popular picks. But I would also like them to release Crash Team Racing. It would be the perfect kart racer for the PSP and if they add online and multiplayer all the better, but i doubt it.
I would like to see Mega Man X4, Tomba!, In The Hunt, Raiden Project, Cool Boarders 2, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Breath of Fire 3, Panzer Bandit, Croc 1, Soul Blade, Tales of Eternia/Destiny 2, Star Ocean 2nd Story, Battle Arena Toshinden 1
well i have my old chrono cross and in boss battles in tends to freeze so i got aNEW one at ebay and that didnt solve the problem(i have a 60 gig) so if they realease chrono cross i hope they fix that freezing prob. other than that one well i have FF7-FF9 on discs so im all good.Although i will prob buy FFvii from the ps store cause thats the only one i have in discs witch is not new.(for anyone who wants FF8 or 9 or chrono cross u can get em new at ebay for like 20 to 30 bucks)
tekken 3 (if not I'll just go buy vanilla T5 that had all the other tekkens in it), and ofcourse Street Fighter Alpha 3 (console not arcade ports cus console had a lot more game modes and good characters). So many others to name. Oh and Spiderman! I wish all ps1 classics were $3.50
I definitely want to see Silent Hill. Damn EU got it =).CanesFan5
We had it for a bit and then it was mysteriously removed. God knows what happened to it.
I missed the first generation of PlayStation, though I do own many PSone games (which I played on the PS2), there are still plenty of games I want to check out. Vagrant Story is a prime example. zakkroVagrant Story rocks!
Now that we got FF VII and Marvel vs Capcom 2(not a PS1 classic but still expensive), there is no limit to what else we can receive. I'd like to see:
Legend of Dragoon
Crono Cross
Ninja Shadow of Darkness(Dont why I really liked this game lol)
Star Ocean 2
Countdown Vampires
Final Fantasy IX
Tomba 1 and 2
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete( :) )
Fear Effect
Silent Hill
Parasite Eve 1 and 2
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
We'll see how Agressive they will be. Hopefully they start releasing PS2 as well...I got a 320gb HDD on my PS3 so brin it on Sony =P
[QUOTE="zakkro"]I missed the first generation of PlayStation, though I do own many PSone games (which I played on the PS2), there are still plenty of games I want to check out. Vagrant Story is a prime example. RJLateralusVagrant Story rocks!
Back in the day I loved Vagrant Story, I just wasnt good at it at all...Hopefully they re-release it on PSN Cause I would definitely like to have another go at it.
i want Chrono Cross more than anything because i held onto the ps1 version but it glitches 1/4 into the game making it unplayable =( hope that would get fixed(now i wish i held onto my ps2)
[QUOTE="zakkro"]I missed the first generation of PlayStation, though I do own many PSone games (which I played on the PS2), there are still plenty of games I want to check out. Vagrant Story is a prime example. RJLateralusVagrant Story rocks! Thanks for making me want it more. :P
Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VI, VIII, IX, Origins + Tactics, Silent Hill, Resident Evil , Chrono Cross, Crash Bandicoot 2, Spyro, Ape Escape, Vagrant Story, Eirgheiz, Tenchu, Patasite Eve, Rayman 2, Grand Theft Auto 1+2, Oddworld, Legend of the Dragoon, Croc, Tomb Raider...
None for me, i didn't buy a PS3 to play PS1 games.
But it's a good thing for people who wants PS1 games, i have nothing against it. And it's a great thing that you can play them on PSP, even if i never touch my PSP lol
None for me, i didn't buy a PS3 to play PS1 games.
But it's a good thing for people who wants PS1 games, i have nothing against it. And it's a great thing that you can play them on PSP, even if i never touch my PSP lol
Thats true in a way, however we were promised B/C with the PS3 and I use it for PS1 and PS2 games to save space. I reallyenjoy the fact that I can play classic games from the PS1 and 2 era.
Oh my Silent hill, i still have that, such an awesome game, didnt know games could scare you untill i played that. but yes i want that and Crash Team Racing if it isnt there alreadyNow that Sony has announced they will be more aggressive about PS1 classics, what games do you want to see?
I'll start off with two: Crono Cross and Silent Hill
MGS, Tactics, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Oddworld, Tomb Raider and I think Crash 2/Ape Escape are already on there. Also, no one wants Croc. Not even you. I promise.Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VI, VIII, IX, Origins + Tactics, Silent Hill, Resident Evil , Chrono Cross, Crash Bandicoot 2, Spyro, Ape Escape, Vagrant Story, Eirgheiz, Tenchu, Patasite Eve, Rayman 2, Grand Theft Auto 1+2, Oddworld, Legend of the Dragoon, Croc, Tomb Raider...
Suikoden 2, Lunar 1 & 2, Every Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire 3 & 4, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Chrono Cross, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Grandia, Alundra, Tobal, Every Twisted Metal, Every Capcom Fighter but ESPECIALLY Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Return Fire. Mine is a TAD heavy on the rpg side, but that's just how I roll. Mostly it would be awesome not to have to go onto ebay and get raked over the coals for the majority of these games.
Does anyone know if Sony has released a list mentioning any upcoming PS1 titles, or possibly hinted at releasing downloadable PS2 titles in the future?
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