When do you think that will come out? I really didn't get a PS3 to play upscaled PS2 games...
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man i am sick of the complaining, sony is doing ALOT with the ps3 right now. I think its awesome. They are building the platform and network slowly.Imallvol7
Agreed!!! I'm glad sony is moving slowly with the updates. Too many functions at once in a young system would cause problems.
Yeah me too, Getting old...
Just appreciate the Update, no matter what it is, and have some patience....
There's that magic word...FREE!!! LOL
When do you think that will come out? I really didn't get a PS3 to play upscaled PS2 games...
Did you really get a PS3 to access the XMB in the middle of games?
I thought so.
When do you think that will come out? I really didn't get a PS3 to play upscaled PS2 games...
Lol, I did. J/k, but this was bigger news for me than the in-game XMB in the rumored 2.0 update. That was the only big news in that update... The upscaling of dvd's and ps1/ps2 games is huge to me though b/c I still like to play them on my HDTV. If the difference is pretty decent, they've just given me enough incentive to continue purchasing new PS2 games as well... I hadn't really been buying that many new ones just b/c I don't enjoy anything less than HD as much anymore (gaming or t.v.), go figure?
1.8 adds mostly everything i wanted out of a ps3....all i want is the in-game XMB and custom wallpapers and im good.....and Home of course ;]Uptown
Yep, those are the only improvements left for them to make for me too. That and more demo's... which may not be remedied until Home launches though.
Did you just tell me to get a life? Oh well, I hope I can be cool as you and have 5,000 posts!Logan832sorry but you fail. I am a member since 2004, and it's plausible that I have 5000+ posts. And don't worry, I have a very intense life, especially with my GF :P
When do you think that will come out? I really didn't get a PS3 to play upscaled PS2 games...
i have to agree with you... this is an update that is only good for people who have HDTV's. I mean it's not a standard yet but it will be soon, no doubt.... i just want 2.0 f this junk
ok im a little confused i thought the next update was the 2.0 update? Was that just rumored? if so i know stuff like this takes time and im happy we are getting there and sony isnt just sitting on their asses. i know that are hard at work on it
so now its only 1.8?
What does the update include?
I agree, the XMB over game was ment to be from launch. So they should have made it top priority to get it in an update ASAP! its been out 2 months in the Eu and no XMB? Terrible, it NEEDS it to compete with 360
Patience. Good things come with time. I sure want XMB access without having to exit the game, but I'm not dying for it.I agree, the XMB over game was ment to be from launch. So they should have made it top priority to get it in an update ASAP! its been out 2 months in the Eu and no XMB? Terrible, it NEEDS it to compete with 360
[QUOTE="Devils_Joker_22"]Patience. Good things come with time. I sure want XMB access without having to exit the game, but I'm not dying for it.I agree, the XMB over game was ment to be from launch. So they should have made it top priority to get it in an update ASAP! its been out 2 months in the Eu and no XMB? Terrible, it NEEDS it to compete with 360
But i have a 360 and its sooo hard to switch back to ps3 knowing it can only do 1 thing at a time. I want both my consoles to at least multi-task! Its fustrating that i can see when i get a message in game, but i cant read it without leaving. Pointless.
[QUOTE="rogerjak"][QUOTE="Devils_Joker_22"]Patience. Good things come with time. I sure want XMB access without having to exit the game, but I'm not dying for it.I agree, the XMB over game was ment to be from launch. So they should have made it top priority to get it in an update ASAP! its been out 2 months in the Eu and no XMB? Terrible, it NEEDS it to compete with 360
But i have a 360 and its sooo hard to switch back to ps3 knowing it can only do 1 thing at a time. I want both my consoles to at least multi-task! Its fustrating that i can see when i get a message in game, but i cant read it without leaving. Pointless.
It sucks I know, especially in when you are playing online.But don't worry, Sony will give us XMB access during games.The PlayStation 3 will be getting another upgrade tomorrow, May 24, when firmware version 1.80 will be available for download. The latest update adds the ability to upscale PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games, as well as DVD movies, to 1080p resolution (when viewed on a compatible HDTV set).
Think about that, people were complaining for months on end, saying the PS3 doesnt have a scalar chip. This seems to prove them all wrong doesnt it? Also seems to me that PS3 has the whole package, I have one, and hearing this made me drool with anticipation. Also, I found out Im gonna be in the Warhawk beta so this week is turning out to be great. As far as your other complaints? Just wait, obviously Sony is on top of this stuff because if people weren't complaining about the scaling then this firmwire would have never come to be. I hate to say it but, keep complaining (as much as I hate theses kinds of posts) otherwise we will never get the backdrops and in-game XMB. But just try not to turn every leap forward into a step back, take everything with stride dude, otherwise, how will you ever be satisfied in life?
This update is complete gold to me. I don't care about wallpapers or access to XMB in the game personally.. it's trash (jk, I know a lot of people want it.... just trying to illustrate to the TC that his choice in wording is a bit much). Anyhow, we knew that the PS3 had scaling capabilities... now if we could only ge the PS3 to upscale games ;)
Cry-babying because in-game XMB wasn't included? Well, its no surprise that you're whining about that if you consider it important. I mean anyone who has trouble waiting 4.7 seconds to get back to the main PS screen is obviously going to act like a spoilt brat and cry all day.
Hey 1.80 looks reasonable ...
I just hope the upscaling works for people like me with a 1080i HDTV and component cables ... i mean being 16 (nearly 17) i can't afford a 1080p HDTV with HDMI ... i mean here in Australia their atleast $4000 + ...
For now I'll get a 720p, 32inch which is about 900$ and then after the 1080p get cheaper I'll get one of that. I think it's a good advice for those who don't have hd tv.
man i am sick of the complaining, sony is doing ALOT with the ps3 right now. I think its awesome. They are building the platform and network slowly.Imallvol7
How can you say you're sick of the complaining? From what I know, I or anyone else who has a PS3 has the right to complain about whatever we don't like. It isn't like we got the system for free or anything, why can't they give us what we ask for? I already know about the investment, blah, blah crap, but I did NOT pay $650.00 + a few cents in money for slow content. That is what separates us from them, we are the consumers and without us they don't have a gaming department. So, yes I and anyone else have the right to complain about issues we see fit.
Yeah me too, Getting old...
Just appreciate the Update, no matter what it is, and have some patience....
thank you. couldn't of said it better myself. lol. relax and be patient. it's free and it's slowly getting better by the day. yeah ingame toolbar would be cool but will it make the games coming out any better? no. so let sony do what they do and focus on building this library and doing things slowly to make sure they're done right.
you didn't buy a PS3 to play upscaled PS2 games well...i didn't buy it to listen to other cd's while i play Ninja Gaiden or Rainbow 6 LV. but if it does those two things...BONUS! lol.
When do you think that will come out? I really didn't get a PS3 to play upscaled PS2 games...
i think the upscaling of dvds and ps2 games is a lot better than xmb access...but I still think thats an integral part and i am expecting it in 1.90 or 2.00 because they could just put the custom tracks and backgrounds in 1.90 and that would be enough for another update.. so basically what i'm trying to say is ..
Be patient, young grasshopper. If they build it, you will come.T-Zone
Cry-babying because in-game XMB wasn't included? Well, its no surprise that you're whining about that if you consider it important. I mean anyone who has trouble waiting 4.7 seconds to get back to the main PS screen is obviously going to act like a spoilt brat and cry all day.
lol. seriously. these are the types of people who will complain about free food cause it wasn't their favorite dish. some people are never happy. their PS3 could fly around the room shooting pixie dust out the disc tray and do their homework for them and they'd still be mad that it didn't wash the dished and take out the trash lol.
1.8 adds mostly everything i wanted out of a ps3....all i want is the in-game XMB and custom wallpapers and im good.....and Home of course ;]Uptown
Upscalling is good, but what I really want is to be able to use our own photos for our PSN avatars, wallpaper, accessable XMB to allow us to play music, go on the internet and check mail, and last but not least cross chat or chatting in game so that we can start a chat and still play our games whiles still talking.
EDIT: But this wasn't at all a garbage update people have been complaining about upscalling for so long now it's fixed.
[QUOTE="roadkill88"]Cry-babying because in-game XMB wasn't included? Well, its no surprise that you're whining about that if you consider it important. I mean anyone who has trouble waiting 4.7 seconds to get back to the main PS screen is obviously going to act like a spoilt brat and cry all day.
lol. seriously. these are the types of people who will complain about free food cause it wasn't their favorite dish. some people are never happy. their PS3 could fly around the room shooting pixie dust out the disc tray and do their homework for them and they'd still be mad that it didn't wash the dished and take out the trash lol.
If the system can't do my homework and my chores its trash to me.
The rumor stated that feature for 2.0, this is 1.8. Seriously, just wait for it. 2.0 will come in due time. And it might not even be in 2.0, it was only an unconfirmed rumor, so don't be crying if it's not there when 2.0 come.
We might as well cry that none of the firmware updates allow us to play PS4 games. Hey, I want that feature, I can cry that it's not there if I want to!
When do you think that will come out? I really didn't get a PS3 to play upscaled PS2 games...
Wow, This guy just joined and I'm already sick of him...first he complains about not getting into warhawk, and now he calls 1.8 crap? Your making a bad name for yourself fast...
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