Personally, I have always had both and while financially I'm not able to upgrade them at the same time for the last 20 years of gaming I always had both. Why? Simply because they go hand in hand. There were times when i couldn't upgrade my PC due to life obligations and my console would fill in the blank and then when I'm able to bring up the PC gradually to playable levels I would.
Having both will give you more variety and choices and if you're like me there are games on PC and Console that simply aren't available on both. Another point is - if you already have a PC for work, study, entertainment why not have it little beefier and enjoy games once in a while? Plus it will make you PC faster with decent upgrades.
My suggestion with your 400$ budget - buy the:
Radeon R9 380 4 GB - 200$
And keep the other 200$ on the side. Wait for the E3 and see if the rumored PS4K is a reality or not. Then - when you can put some money to your 200$ savings and pick up a PS4 down the line. You will appreciate having both. ;)
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