ive been trying to figure out which i want..... i have been hearing that CoD4 has the best online of the year. it also has offline split screen
what would you guys choose?
would your choice be different if UT3 got offline split screen?
which would you choose if both got online split screen? (there are rumours for both that split screen online will come to them)
all opinions matter for me in this situation... just to add i have a brother and like to play with cuzins at my house. i also like to talk while i play online. (just for extra information incase this helps u guys give me advice)
Before I say anything, I'll say this: Trust my word on it. I have CoD 4 on the PC and I can tell you now that it is definitely NOT the best online shooter of the year. The people who made that remark were complete noobs to the FPS genre.
Call of Duty 4 was made like Call of Duty 2, but with better graphics and suckier guns. The game was created so that noobs (to FPS games) could log on to the multiplayer and achieve first place with no real effort what so ever.
I assume you're familiar with "perks". All you do to achieve first place in Call of Duty 4 is equip the Stopping Power perk, the Steady Aim perk and the Frag Grenades 3x perk (or bandolier for more ammunition), run around and crosshair everyone. Don't bother to aim down your sight, that only slows you down and is a general waste of time.
Anyone who plays Call of Duty 4 (or the entire CoD series) believes that they have skill based on these noob aspects of the game and are very deluded...like a highschool cheerleader thinking their cheers are helping the football players win. Call of Duty 4 is by far the worst shooter I have ever played...and I am a veteran of the genre.
Get Unreal Tournament 3. The entire Unreal series has never let anyone down when it comes to a game of skill. Every other shooter I play nowadays always let me down because of the sheer fact that any brainless lamen can kill you -- but obviously that is not the case in the Unreal Tournament series.
In conclusion, I've played the demo for Unreal Tournament (allows online play) and I can already tell you to buy it. I plan on getting it this holiday season and becoming highly active in the competition. It's a must-buy, just like Unreal Tournament 2004 was when it arrived. But whatever you do, do not waste your money on Infinity Ward's attempt at a shooter. Worst 50 dollars I have ever spent.
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