I have both and Valhalla Knights is a more traditional RPG IMO. It was more polished and just playing it for a couple hours I can already tell it gives you more ability to shape your character. You can custimize stats as well as thousands (supposedly) different armor/weapons.
Actually I thought this game is better than FF7 Crisis gameplay wise (story wise FF7 Crisis....nothing beats that).
If u have Monster Hunter 2 u wouldnt want to bother with VK2 since the graphics are an eyesore, seriously. Tales of the World is a decent RPG but between those two I'l prefer VK2. But IF u give me a choice between MHF2 and VK2, definitely MHF2. :D Allright, i was not a great fan of MHF2 previously since i thought it sucks but i gave it a chance and its just darn amazing. Ignore my review , please. ;)
I haven't played Tales of the World... But if your into customization and loads of grinding- Valhalla Knights 2 is worth a look.
It's got loads of issues- but I still find it fun despite all it's flaws. I just find playing with my completely personally customized party quite satisfying. :)
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