let me start out by saying that I can definitely acknowledge that this is a good game. It has a great art style, a well crafted battle system, a decent story, likeable enough characters, and is everything a strategy fan would love. But here is my conundrum:
I have more games to beat than I can reasonably count. I have GoW Collection, The Ratchet and Clank Future series, Borderlands, and Chronicles of Riddick... and that's not even all of it. Plus, I have games coming out in the future I want to pick up (though I can't for most of them cuz I am freakin poor) but as you can see, I have a lot to get through. Now as I said, I can acknowledge when a game is good, and VC certainly is, but I find myself.... not loving it. I dunno what it is exactly. The missions are fun but the idea of keeping all my soldiers alive is... daunting. The best thing about strategy games is that you know some (if not MOST) of your units are expendable. Sometimes you send units on a suicide mission, and know they are going to be obliterated, but it's necessary. My buddy recommended this game to me, and it's fun, but I find myself shying away from it. It makes me want to play RTS games, where I mass produce nameless, faceless units to go die for my cause, while focusing on the big picture.
So I guess my question is this: Am I going about this the wrong way? Obviously some units are invaluable (Welkin in Edelweis and Alicia, for instance) but do I really HAVE to keep all my units alive throughout every mission? This is supposed to be a representation of warfare, where you play as a smaller nation repelling a gigantic empire. My buddy says I should stick with it (I'm about two hours in, and just beat my first "real" mission, fighting the enemies next to the river in chapter 3), and says it will get a lot better later on, but I don't know. With this many games, the offputting task of keeping every single unit alive through these battles, and the supposedly mythic difficulty that quickly builds, is it really worth sinking more of my time into with so many games to still beat?
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