I have a few questions about being a Vampire in Oblivion. The abilities and extra attributes you get from it are awesome but the health drain you get from the sun sucks!! Is there anything in the game that protects you from sunlight or something that gives you daywalker or something? Because I wouldn't want to go into a Oblivion gate at night and come out when its day time in the middle of nowhere and just be toasted. That is another thing, are you pretty much useless and get fried easily in the Oblivion gates because you have weakness to fire or do you become less weaken the further you are into Vampirism? All in all this game is awesome, I played it alot on the PC but now I'm enjoying the evil side on the PS3 and being a Vampire is pretty cool twist to the game.
Also can you only feed on people that are sleeping? Thanks in advance.
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