In the end, this will all come down to me making the final choice, I understand that. If you're one of those people who tell people, "Make up your own mind, we can't make the decision for you." or anything along those lines, then you may as well stop reading this now because like I said, I understand that it will be up to me overall whether or not I get the game.
So, here it is. I've beaten GTA IV, COD4, Resistance, Assassins Creed, and Uncharted Drakes Fortune. I also own MLB The Show. So, I own action/adventure, sports, FPS..whats missing? An RPG. RPG's are my favorite types of games, yet I dont even own one. This is what my problem is, I used to own an xbox 360, got Oblivion for that and disliked it very much. I sold my 360, got a ps3, figured i'd try oblivion again and got it this past christmas. for some reason I enjoyed it a little bit more then when I played on the 360, got a little further, but wound up selling it again because I just couldnt enjoy it!
Now, with the game being so cheap and me being in dire need of a good RPG, plus the fact that summer vacation is coming up so ill have more time to play, do you think it is worth buying for a THIRD time and giving this game a shot? Has anyone here been in a similar position as I have been with this game where you just couldnt seem to enjoy it but wound up loving it? Again, im a huge RPG fan and in the past ive hated games but have grown to love them, do I just need to give this game another chance? Or is it basically if ive played it twice and didnt like it then I most likely wont like it a third time?
Of course, you guys cant read my mind and give me a diffinet YES you will like it or NO you wont like it. But any feedback to the questions i've asked, or anything you can tell me about the game that is interesting that may make me enjoy it more would be great..ive heard so many things about this game and I really dont wanna miss out on it if its that good. Thanks guys.
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