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i said the next MK not the last ones who said i was comparing them to the last ones!KurupSoldr
ok if i am so wrong explain to me how it is so next gen besides how good it looks...This Game is weak, you know this is a new era for consoles and if all you can bring is better graphics but not gameplay then to me whats the point. No breakable enviorments none of that crap come on. Now this is just my opinion and i have been around since the very first virtua fighter this game belongs in an arcade only. I am dissapointed with this game so much. now i have to wait for MK to come out, thank god i just rented it and i have been playing this game a bit for those who are gonna flame and i am getting the combos but for a next gen game you need to bring something never seen or do it better and this dont cut itKurupSoldrThe environments are lame, hell even in DOA4 you can break the environment. I have never been a big fan of VF anyways. Soul Caliber and Killer Instinct always rocked.
[QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]i said the next MK not the last ones who said i was comparing them to the last ones!murstdurst
[QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]i said the next MK not the last ones who said i was comparing them to the last ones!KurupSoldr
[QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]This Game is weak, you know this is a new era for consoles and if all you can bring is better graphics but not gameplay then to me whats the point. No breakable enviorments none of that crap come on. Now this is just my opinion and i have been around since the very first virtua fighter this game belongs in an arcade only. I am dissapointed with this game so much. now i have to wait for MK to come out, thank god i just rented it and i have been playing this game a bit for those who are gonna flame and i am getting the combos but for a next gen game you need to bring something never seen or do it better and this dont cut itVasichkoThe environments are lame, hell even in DOA4 you can break the environment. I have never been a big fan of VF anyways. Soul Caliber and Killer Instinct always rocked. Why would you wan't to break environment in a fighting game? Isn't it about beating up your opponent and not the wall ?
ok if i am so wrong explain to me how it is so next gen besides how good it looks... Well whats next gen with alot of games nowadays except good looks? Whats next gen with Gears of War? Whats next gen with Fight Night? Whats next gen with every Single Sports game out there?[QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]This Game is weak, you know this is a new era for consoles and if all you can bring is better graphics but not gameplay then to me whats the point. No breakable enviorments none of that crap come on. Now this is just my opinion and i have been around since the very first virtua fighter this game belongs in an arcade only. I am dissapointed with this game so much. now i have to wait for MK to come out, thank god i just rented it and i have been playing this game a bit for those who are gonna flame and i am getting the combos but for a next gen game you need to bring something never seen or do it better and this dont cut itVasichkoThe environments are lame, hell even in DOA4 you can break the environment. I have never been a big fan of VF anyways. Soul Caliber and Killer Instinct always rocked. Hell ya.. Killer Instinct! Maybe they will make a new version :D Like the TC, I like MK aswell.. much more fast paced than a lot of other fighters.. IMO.
I swear that in VF 5, some environments are breakable.
Anyway... The first wave of nex-gen games will always be about graphics... Later on, the 2nd waves of games, then we will see the developer thinking more about the gameplay.
This Game is weak, you know this is a new era for consoles and if all you can bring is better graphics but not gameplay then to me whats the point. No breakable enviorments none of that crap come on. Now this is just my opinion and i have been around since the very first virtua fighter this game belongs in an arcade only. I am dissapointed with this game so much. now i have to wait for MK to come out, thank god i just rented it and i have been playing this game a bit for those who are gonna flame and i am getting the combos but for a next gen game you need to bring something never seen or do it better and this dont cut itKurupSoldr
I agree, i never did understand why people liked this failure of a game. It IS made from Sega so no surprise there since they cant make a good game anyway. Want proof?
Look at the recent Sonic games and Full Auto. How they are making From Software release AC4 on the 360 when Armored Core has always been PS only, they did the same to Virtua Fighter 5, the cowards.
Never to say something is exclusive only to make it multiplat the next is one thing, but to say it is exclusive to PS3 and then to say its on the 360 is an extremely cowardly move. They didnt even have it exclusive for awhile.
IMO i think Sega is going to die a slow death like it did with its consoles because i dont think enough people are buying there half-azzed games.
I dont know everything though so i could be wrong.
I REPEAT this was MY opinion!
This Game is weak, you know this is a new era for consoles and if all you can bring is better graphics but not gameplay then to me whats the point. No breakable enviorments none of that crap come on. Now this is just my opinion and i have been around since the very first virtua fighter this game belongs in an arcade only. I am dissapointed with this game so much. now i have to wait for MK to come out, thank god i just rented it and i have been playing this game a bit for those who are gonna flame and i am getting the combos but for a next gen game you need to bring something never seen or do it better and this dont cut itKurupSoldr
Ok i have seen the last few comments since i wrote last and now i will address these, first off i am not a hater becuase i cant beat arcade mode plz i am not that shallow to call out a game cuz its too hard. As for the whole breakable enviorments it just seems to add more to the game IMO and in real life fights people get thrown through glass windows crap like that happens maybe not breaking a stone but things happen. Anyways for the idiot who called me hater for comparing MK to VF5 I DID NO SUCH THING all i said is now i have to wait for MK to come out now. and for those that said whats next gen about gears of war well lets see, The cover system is awesome, the weapons are a bit different than normal, its just Something different in the Same Genre as some games. And to the person with the whole boxing and y dont they shoot fireballs Please that was just idiotic. I will agree with who ever talked about fans and players, makes sense to me. Just to remind all that have decided to flame this post i can handle it if you come with a point behind it, dont just put your wrong, or you just cant beat it so your mad, thats childish. I gave my opinion on a game i played, i am sure there are games you didnt like that everyone praised. KurupSoldr
[QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]Ok i have seen the last few comments since i wrote last and now i will address these, first off i am not a hater becuase i cant beat arcade mode plz i am not that shallow to call out a game cuz its too hard. As for the whole breakable enviorments it just seems to add more to the game IMO and in real life fights people get thrown through glass windows crap like that happens maybe not breaking a stone but things happen. Anyways for the idiot who called me hater for comparing MK to VF5 I DID NO SUCH THING all i said is now i have to wait for MK to come out now. and for those that said whats next gen about gears of war well lets see, The cover system is awesome, the weapons are a bit different than normal, its just Something different in the Same Genre as some games. And to the person with the whole boxing and y dont they shoot fireballs Please that was just idiotic. I will agree with who ever talked about fans and players, makes sense to me. Just to remind all that have decided to flame this post i can handle it if you come with a point behind it, dont just put your wrong, or you just cant beat it so your mad, thats childish. I gave my opinion on a game i played, i am sure there are games you didnt like that everyone praised. azuroc
This Game is weak, you know this is a new era for consoles and if all you can bring is better graphics but not gameplay then to me whats the point. No breakable enviorments none of that crap come on. Now this is just my opinion and i have been around since the very first virtua fighter this game belongs in an arcade only. I am dissapointed with this game so much. now i have to wait for MK to come out, thank god i just rented it and i have been playing this game a bit for those who are gonna flame and i am getting the combos but for a next gen game you need to bring something never seen or do it better and this dont cut itKurupSoldr
Agreed. I rented VF5 and returned it the next day.
Great graphics, deep gameplay, but the lack of online play killed the deal for me.
Every multiplayer game this gen needs to have online. No excuses.
Ok i have seen the last few comments since i wrote last and now i will address these, first off i am not a hater becuase i cant beat arcade mode plz i am not that shallow to call out a game cuz its too hard. As for the whole breakable enviorments it just seems to add more to the game IMO and in real life fights people get thrown through glass windows crap like that happens maybe not breaking a stone but things happen. Anyways for the idiot who called me hater for comparing MK to VF5 I DID NO SUCH THING all i said is now i have to wait for MK to come out now. and for those that said whats next gen about gears of war well lets see, The cover system is awesome, the weapons are a bit different than normal, its just Something different in the Same Genre as some games. And to the person with the whole boxing and y dont they shoot fireballs Please that was just idiotic. I will agree with who ever talked about fans and players, makes sense to me. Just to remind all that have decided to flame this post i can handle it if you come with a point behind it, dont just put your wrong, or you just cant beat it so your mad, thats childish. I gave my opinion on a game i played, i am sure there are games you didnt like that everyone praised. KurupSoldr
You should expect people here to be very sensitive about the PS3's games.
Ok i have seen the last few comments since i wrote last and now i will address these, first off i am not a hater becuase i cant beat arcade mode plz i am not that shallow to call out a game cuz its too hard. As for the whole breakable enviorments it just seems to add more to the game IMO and in real life fights people get thrown through glass windows crap like that happens maybe not breaking a stone but things happen. Anyways for the idiot who called me hater for comparing MK to VF5 I DID NO SUCH THING all i said is now i have to wait for MK to come out now. and for those that said whats next gen about gears of war well lets see, The cover system is awesome, the weapons are a bit different than normal, its just Something different in the Same Genre as some games. And to the person with the whole boxing and y dont they shoot fireballs Please that was just idiotic. I will agree with who ever talked about fans and players, makes sense to me. Just to remind all that have decided to flame this post i can handle it if you come with a point behind it, dont just put your wrong, or you just cant beat it so your mad, thats childish. I gave my opinion on a game i played, i am sure there are games you didnt like that everyone praised. KurupSoldrGears' cover system has been done before and the chainsaw gun is copied from Warhammer. The only thing that's innovative about Gears is the reload thing. Why complain here about the developers fine-tuning a formula that is widely regarded as one of the best fighting game mechanics and then ignore the lack of innovation in Fight Night (or any sports game) or something like the Need for Speed series as of late
Apparently i will give it a rest since i cannot even voice an opinion on here with out a number of stupid people responding. You may think its the greatest game i do not so you cant change my mind nor can i change yours, which is not what i planned to do in the first place. I am pretty sure i never praised fight night. And if you like it good for you i am glad you didnt waste your money and i am glad i didnt either by renting it. Please dont let me ruin your day or make you cry becusae i dont share the same love for VF5 as you. And for all those realistic people how come it does not show damage on the players isnt that realistic, or tears in the clothing all that good stuff these are small things i am talking about and i will further just do a review than post in a place where for the most part a bunch of kids dont know how to act when dealt a bad comment for a game they loveKurupSoldr
Can DC please come in and eradicate this person for us? You think MK is anywhere near the quality of VF? I'm guessing you couldn't pull off any moves or lost to the cpu multiple times and thus decided to bash the game. onemicWOW WTF i never compared MK to VF5 just said and i quote "now i have to wait for MK to come out" Now please exlain how that is comparing, if i was going to compare i would have said why arent the fighting styles the same how come VF5 cant have fatalities which i am not doing
[QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]This Game is weak, you know this is a new era for consoles and if all you can bring is better graphics but not gameplay then to me whats the point. No breakable enviorments none of that crap come on. Now this is just my opinion and i have been around since the very first virtua fighter this game belongs in an arcade only. I am dissapointed with this game so much. now i have to wait for MK to come out, thank god i just rented it and i have been playing this game a bit for those who are gonna flame and i am getting the combos but for a next gen game you need to bring something never seen or do it better and this dont cut itJudgementEden
I agree, i never did understand why people liked this failure of a game. It IS made from Sega so no surprise there since they cant make a good game anyway. Want proof?
Look at the recent Sonic games and Full Auto. How they are making From Software release AC4 on the 360 when Armored Core has always been PS only, they did the same to Virtua Fighter 5, the cowards.
Never to say something is exclusive only to make it multiplat the next is one thing, but to say it is exclusive to PS3 and then to say its on the 360 is an extremely cowardly move. They didnt even have it exclusive for awhile.
IMO i think Sega is going to die a slow death like it did with its consoles because i dont think enough people are buying there half-azzed games.
I dont know everything though so i could be wrong.
I REPEAT this was MY opinion!
I'm sorry, didn't you say you were going to give us proof that Sega can't make a good game? I'm still waiting. All you did was bash Sega for not staying loyal to one console. The ad hominem arguments do not help your case.[QUOTE="JudgementEden"][QUOTE="KurupSoldr"]This Game is weak, you know this is a new era for consoles and if all you can bring is better graphics but not gameplay then to me whats the point. No breakable enviorments none of that crap come on. Now this is just my opinion and i have been around since the very first virtua fighter this game belongs in an arcade only. I am dissapointed with this game so much. now i have to wait for MK to come out, thank god i just rented it and i have been playing this game a bit for those who are gonna flame and i am getting the combos but for a next gen game you need to bring something never seen or do it better and this dont cut itpsybrid
I agree, i never did understand why people liked this failure of a game. It IS made from Sega so no surprise there since they cant make a good game anyway. Want proof?
Look at the recent Sonic games and Full Auto. How they are making From Software release AC4 on the 360 when Armored Core has always been PS only, they did the same to Virtua Fighter 5, the cowards.
Never to say something is exclusive only to make it multiplat the next is one thing, but to say it is exclusive to PS3 and then to say its on the 360 is an extremely cowardly move. They didnt even have it exclusive for awhile.
IMO i think Sega is going to die a slow death like it did with its consoles because i dont think enough people are buying there half-azzed games.
I dont know everything though so i could be wrong.
I REPEAT this was MY opinion!
I'm sorry, didn't you say you were going to give us proof that Sega can't make a good game? I'm still waiting. All you did was bash Sega for not staying loyal to one console. The ad hominem arguments do not help your case. He actually stated two games before that saying look at the sonic games and full auto[QUOTE="michaelareb0001"][QUOTE="UntoldDreams"]Wrong.
ok if i am so wrong explain to me how it is so next gen besides how good it looks... Explain to me how anything is next gen. That doesn't have a definition. Any meaning you give to next gen is purely a subjective opinion.Agreed. I rented VF5 and returned it the next day.
Great graphics, deep gameplay, but the lack of online play killed the deal for me.
Every multiplayer game this gen needs to have online. No excuses.
The reason why VF5 has no online has been discussed many, many times. And believe it or not, its for a legitimate reason.
Just like previous installments, Virtua Fighter 5 offered an incredibly solid fighting game that relies on more than just pressing random buttons and waiting for something to happen.
The series has always been about the substance and not the flash.
Thats pretty much what I asked of this game, and it delivered on all fronts.
If you actually liked all of the MKs after MK2, then you need to think about what makes a good fighting game, cause after 3 MK was terrible.azurocI know what makes a good fighting game, and Ultimate MK3 is the only Mortal Kombat that's even worth any amount of time or energy at all. The rest of the series is garbage, plain and simple.
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