Yes, to a degree I take morals into consideration when getting a game. I havn't played Grand Theft Auto for that very reason. Although I don't mind the violence and language, its got to have a time and place for it in order for it not to bug me. Mugging a person, shooting police officers is a lot different when you play as a criminal as apposed to playing a military officer stealing conviscating cars and shooting terrorists. Even though its the same thing, the circumstances are different.
I will play games like Infamous, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Prototype, so long as I have a "choice". Games where you are intentionally the bad guy to do bad things just bug me too much. Its when players don't have that option to tone it downthat it becomes an issue for me.I got platinum on Mercs 2, but I didn't hijack cars or kill civilians. I had a choice so my morals didn't bug me.
I do think games are becomming more immoral and taking things a bit too far, but so long as there are ratings and people are given choices, it doesn't bother me. God of War III is a bit too much, but its God of War.Being able to take drugs and benifit from them in Fallout 3 seems a little much, but its not out of place for that game andyou arn't forced to use them.
That being said, I don't see the reason to have morally corrupt games out there other than shock value. I'm not saying replace Helgast with bunnies, but having an option to turn off Rico's "Jesus Christ!" or all his needless cursingevery time he gets shot at wouldn't hurt sales. As time goes on, games become more violent, they curse more and touchy subjects are tackled more often (like sex in games). Is it wrong? Nah... Is it needed? Nah... Should I have a choice to play a great game without that crap?...sure why not? More games would sell if you could turn that M rated game into a T rated one.
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