I am not a big racing game fan but Motorstorm is a great game. It is a lot of fun anddefinitelyworth picking up. My only major problem is the same thing everyone hates about motorstorm that will be addressed in motorstorm 2 there is no local multiplayer. But go buy the game anyway
Great game but i advise you to wait untill Motorstorm 2: Pacific Rift is out. It's meant to feature more tracks, split-screen, better online, more vechicles, etc.
Get it if you like arcade racer's. It's not to bad but you will get mad at it a few times. But that's not enough to really hurt the over all game play.
I just bought it and I really like it. To all you people saying wait for the next one, wouldn't it make more sense to buy it on ebay for a sub 20 dollar price point and find out whether he likes it or not instead of purchasing a full priced game? And besides, this will last me a while and by the time I feel like getting a new racing game Motorstorm 2 will have dropped in price as well.
If you liked burnout or if you just like fast and dangerous games then you will love motorstorm. It is loads of fun online and offline. only 2 problems. only 8 tracks and not split screen but you can easily forget about those things.
Really like it, I'd rent it so u can get a taste for the series and see if u'd like Pacific Rift. No multiplayer was disappointing, but the visuals and thrill of the race will make up for it. Also doesn't feel like just another racing game.
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