well i will beABLE to save up for that in 17 weeks (long time but probally worth it)
I've heard that there is a few bad things about the playstation .
like poor quality with ps2 games.
slow processor
slow system is this true becuase i saw a video on you tube which showed how slow it was ( with the changing screens and moving
it was xbox360 vs ps3. IM just wondering is this true and is there any bad things i should know before i get the ps3.
whats the online service like is it free and is it multiplayer
and dose the system have wireless in side it.
can you connect bluetooth to it
You don't have to answer all these but can you answer the top one please.
First off, forget about what you've heard. I am going to assume that you have owned a PS2 and have been happy with it. I owned a PS One, PS2, and now a PS3. Why did I get a PS3 even though it has no really great exclusive games at the moment? I got it because I believe I will enjoy it just as much, if not more than my past Playstations. Since you've heard bad things about the PS3, let me even things up and tell you some good things about it.Ā
Do you have a Sony digital camera? The card slots on the 60 GB version make transferring pictures and movies a snap. I go to culinary school and take lots of pictures and videos of demos. I use my PS3 to watch those videos and look at those pictures on my HDTV.
Do you have a wireless keyboard and/or mouse? If so, you can run Linux on your PS3. In all honesty, it's not that big of a deal right now, but I think as time goes on, it will evolve into something very useful. You can check your e-mail, watch AVI, MPEG videos, surf the web with Firefox, type up documents, make spreadsheets, etc. If you know Linux well, I'm sure you can find ways to make it work even better.Ā
My PS2 games look just fine on my PS3. Maybe it's because I use the HDMI connection. Progressive scan games look excellent! I own a US version of the PS3 so I cannot speak for the software emulation on the European models. Good thing, I'm an early adopter...
Wireless works smooth as silk. It is extra convenient because my campus only has wireless. Bascially, my Xbox Live subscription is rotting away...sad isn't it? You can also connect Bluetooth headsets to the system. From what I hear, you can also connect a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse as well.Ā
The online service is free, but it is not multiplayer. At least the games right now do not support it. For example, you can't play online with two people on one system for Motorstorm. It's not like Halo 2 where 4 friends can all play online off of one system at the same time. I think this is a problem, but one that can and will be fixed in future. Besides, the only game I want to be able to play with more than 2 people at once is Unreal Tournament 3...
Do you have an HDTV? IF so, Blu-Ray looks awesome. I wouldn't reccomend re-buying your whole DVD collection, but I would reccomend getting some Blu-Ray movies as the picture and sound quality is very impressive.
As for games? They're coming...Ninja Gaiden Sigma will be out next month (AWESOME). Heavenly Sword and Lair will be out later in the summer. Madden will be out in August (I hate Madden for the record).Ā Oblivion is already out (although I think the game is slightly overrated). Then GTA: IV in October.Ā Then you have games like Rachet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Final Fantasy XIII coming late 2007 to early 2008.Ā
PS3 is here to stay. I use it as a multimedia hub as well as a gaming console. It does SO much more than just games. Keep that in mind to get the most out of the system. Home is coming out in September/ October so I'm sure that the online segment will only get better. Start saving up, by the time you have the money ready, the PS3 juggernaut will be picking up steam. Ā
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