1) Does the ps3's browser support flash that will let you run youtube and basically anything a normal computer browser will let you run?
It does run youtube but as for everything else the browser runs well but not as good as a normal PC. Im not sure on flash tho
2) Does this seem like a good deal?
Thats a really good deal, just be sure the PS3 is working and try to see if you get get a reciept
3) Are walmarts packages for ps3 good. This is the one I would want to buy. After I did the math for the package, it didnt come out to be where I save money. Also is there a better place to buy a ps3 to get a better deal?
Um well as of right now all stores have pretty much the same deals. thats a decent deal but not that great. I remember back the day after thanksgiving sale Walmart had a sale for 10 blu ray movies with a 80gb ps3 for 500 bucks. It was amazing and i regret not getting it. But oh well. If you were to buy it from a store thats probablly one of the better deals you could get as of right now.
4) Are ps3 coolers worth buying?
They really arnt, they are nothing like the 360 and their overheating issues. But if you want to be on the safe side and make you Ps3 a little noisier get a cooler. I ran mine without a cooler for many many hours and had no problems.
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