i went to gamestop yesterday and got my money back that i payed for skate(it was used) so now i have $58 and i had some Q`s about warhawk.
1. are their some players who are masters at the game and win evry time leaving players w/o a chance to win?
2. does anyone work together bcuz i read it was kinda hard when you first start off and i will probably suck at it and will need help
3. How is the BT headset chat?
4. are their always people online to play with?
5. is evrybody always in the air and barely nebody fighting on ground?
thanks for your help- PSN ID- UGAfootballfan1
1. There are usually 1 or 2 elite players on each team in the 32 player matches. These guys tend to kill everyone equally, so don't expect to get singled out. They also tend to focus more on each other. I suggest playing in the smaller servers that allow 24 or less players. No good players will play on these.
2. It's rare that people actually work together with any kind of strategy in mind. But I notice that people will always let you jump in a jeep, tank, warhawk, etc. with them if you a) ask them for a ride, or b) shoot at the vehicle they are getting into to get their attention. (no friendly fire in warhawk anymore, thank God)
3. Headset chat = weak
4. Always, I've never had issues, especially since the expansion came out.
5. The elite players are usually the only ones that stay in the planes the entire match. 90% of the players spend most of their time on the ground. It's very balanced, as they people on the ground can easily kill planes if the warhawks are flying around carelessly.
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