Where do I start? This game is fvcking amazing and beautiful! From the graphics right down to the core gameplay, the city feels so alive, everything feels fresh and god I'm so glad I picked this game up on day 1, it has lived up far beyond my expectations.
Let me just start off by saying the graphics have blown me away, this is not even a next-gen only release and it already looks this great, I can't even begin to imagine what Arkham Knight and The Order 1886 have installed for us. Watch Dogs gameplay is just beautiful, there is so much to do and the city is so vibrant with life. I've played for about 8-10 hours since yesterday and let me tell you my completion level is only on 4% lol.
Ubisoft, thank you so much for delivering with this game. So far from what I've played I'm rating this game around the 9.5 outta 10 mark. I just hope later on in the game it continues to stay this interesting and this fun.
To all of you out there, do yourself a favour and pick up a copy of Watch Dogs. You'll be doing yourself a BIG favour and you owe it to yourselves. Anyways, now I'd like to focus on reviews from the major sites, I don't think much of them have been fair with their reviews, Gamespot only gave it an 8 out of 10?
I think it deserves a much higher score than that and I've barely even scratched the surface of the game. Oh and before I forget the online system is executed perfectly. I've only been hacked a few times, but it's so exhilarating and fun and it doesn't feel forced at all. That's all I'm going to say about it, I don't want to spoil it much, hehe.
Gosh I need to shut the hell up and dive my way back into the glorious city of Chicago now.. It might be early on, but does anyone else feel the same way?
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