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is there?tigervscranego to system settings, then system information , if im not mistaken. i KNOW you can see how much is left though
On a related note, I just bought my PS3 this week, have one game so far (MLB 2k7) and created an 8MB internal memory card for my PS2 saves but nothing else on thehard drive.I checked the available space and it said "47 / 55" gigs remaining. Does that mean 13 Gigs are already used by up the system software? I didn't think it could take that much space (like Windows XP)
And you can buy a bigger drive and swap it in later on if you need to.
I don't know anything about the OS that comes on the ps3 yet because my shiny new ps3 won't be here til Tuesday but you could load Yellow Dog Linux on it or a few other distros (probably any of them if you work at it) and then you'd simply manage your space as per normal for a Linux system. This is something I plan to look into.
On a related note, I just bought my PS3 this week, have one game so far (MLB 2k7) and created an 8MB internal memory card for my PS2 saves but nothing else on thehard drive.I checked the available space and it said "47 / 55" gigs remaining. Does that mean 13 Gigs are already used by up the system software? I didn't think it could take that much space (like Windows XP)
ya the same thing happened to me to i was surprised to see that 8GBs were gone all I have on my Hard Drive is 2 PS2 memory cards, and the Virtua Tennis 3 Demo from the PS Store
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