Attention all PS3 fanboys and Xbox 360 haters, I have a plan that will DESTROY the Xbox 360!! We will all post on the 360 message board, the board and any other board you can find, and say that your Xbox (that you may not even have) has a (fake) problem... A BIG (fake) PROBLEM!!! this is the problem that we will all post about:
(topic)-I have a problem with my 360! HELP!!!
(message)-Whenever I try to sign in to Xbox Live, my account signs in, then signs out after a few seconds. I tried signing in multiple times, but it doesn't work. I tried signing in on my friends 360, (he can sign in just fine) but when I sign in with my account it just signs out!! What do I do!?!
 Everyone will post a variation on this story, but this is the main problem
(effects of the 'fake' problem)-If we attract enough attention, Microsoft may look into this problem... They will spend lots of time and money to try to fix this problem that doesn't een exist. They may shut down Xbox Live for extended periods of time. This will drive Xbox 360 owners CRAZY! Thier online service will suffer, and the Playstation 3 shall RISE! Once we deal with the Xbox 360, I will have a plan to "take care of" the Wii...
That is all.
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