you know, non-generic gunny bullet shooting games that are really coo?
Just really sick of shootem games because they suck and the gameplay is very shallow. Almost all of them suck, especially the Call of Duty style ones, since the campaigns are super linear and like 2 hours long and not given any thought into them and they're just throw away games. Not just talking about FPS, but TPS as well.
Very very sick of the Call of Duty casualization of the modern video game industry. Sick of new gamer 8 year olds who think all games suck aside from CoD style shooters. I'm very sick of those kinds of kids ruining the video game industry and games these days suck so bad and are casualized mainstream watered down garbage. Sick of all these clones, these poor excuses of games, bogging down the video game industry with their lame shallow experiences.
Want a real shooter with actual depth and exploration? Metroid Prime. That is how FPS should be done, but NOOOOOOooo, shooters have to be dumbed down for dumb people and they all have to be super shallow and simple like CoD. Generic shootie after generic shootey.
that being said, since almost all current gen shooters suck, what are some excellent games that do not involve shooting bullet gunz?
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