Personally just finished Black Ops Declassified. I'll be starting LBP Vita soon.
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I also just played through Black Ops Declassified... what a joke. I know the game is multiplayer focused, but that was just bad. Anyway, I've mostly been playing Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational since I picked it up on sale on Christmas. I'm pretty much addicted to it... havn't enjoyed a golfing game this much since the Mario Golf on the GBA.SoNin360
I was thinking about picking up Hots Shots Golf. Not sure if I will get into a Golf game though
I'm playing Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. It's such a pretty game for the 3DS, but I know there's plot that I missed out on from only playing 1, 2 and COM. So, it's a little tough to follow without reading way too much text . Also, it's venturing into already explored territory too often. But I'm almost done with it. So, gotta stay strong and finish this game.harley-tzThen highly recommend u to play Birth By Sleep, it helps u clear up lot of stuff about Dream Drop Distance.
Not a plug, but I just went through a 20 games in 20 hours marathon and posted on YouTube. The reason I mention that is because now I'm in the middle of 30 games. I'd say the ones that I'm jumping back on first though would have to be Binary Domain [360], Virtue's Last...[Vita], Journey [PS3] Far Cry 3 [360] and Professor Layton...[3DS]. Out of the 20 that day, those were the ones to really stick out (which makes Prof. Layton shocking since I was so out of it at that point. I couldn't follow what was happening.).
At the moment trying to get the platinum trophy for Rayman Origins Vita (damn those lums). After i'm done with that will get LBP and AC:L also thinking on getting NFS, loved the PSP games.
PSASBR, and Virtues last reward. I would heartily recommend either game. darkspineslayer
My buddy was telling me how surprised he was about how much he was enjoying PS Battle Royal. I have a $75 gift card might pick it up soon.
well, where do I start? since I just got the Vita 3 weeks ago I guess, I bought a buttload of games so my time is divided between them , actually due to the amount of time I'm spending gaming I'm not eating as I used to be :)
anyhow, here are the games : on my way to platinum Golden Abyss, playing Gravity Rush, Wipeout , Legend of Dragoon, PS all stars, Mortal Kombat and Rayman.
I Stopped playing Assassin's creed so I would make sure I finish all the PSPlus stuff and laid Ragnarok Odyssey to the side till one of my friends get it so we can venture through it together.
I am pondering Corpse Party and stranger's wrath but holding off to see if there are any new offers the next week.
waiting for SF X TEKKEN and Virtua Tennis 4 to get home in couple of days.
after that I guess I will have to try Persona 4 Golden and LBP vita and Virtue's last reward.
so yeah, I'm not gaming much ... "thank God the Vita doesn't have games :P"
I finally got some new games! Super Stardust Delta, Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack and Dokuro. I'm enjoying each one of them quite a bit. PSN has some good games, and I'm surprised that some of them only require like 200-300 MB of space.
Playing Persona 4 Golden at the moment and a little bit of Retro City Rampage...gonna possibly start Gravity Rush soon as well
I am playing Little Big Planet Vita and Sound Shapes, both of which are really great games. I need to get more into the online content for both of these.
DJ Max Technika Tune, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, and PlayStation All-Stars. Loving each of them but it makes me hate the Vita battery's short lifespan that much more though...
I've also just completed Call of duty Black ops Declassified and I dont understand what all the hate is about, yeah its not a great game but I really enjoyed it . Currently playing FIFA and going to start MGS HD collection in a couple of days.
Most of the people bashing Black Ops either haven't actually played it, or played it before the two patches. It is fun. And as far as the topic goes, just finished Mortal Kombat's story mode, onto Gravity Rush.I've also just completed Call of duty Black ops Declassified and I dont understand what all the hate is about, yeah its not a great game but I really enjoyed it . Currently playing FIFA and going to start MGS HD collection in a couple of days.
Just finished Gravity Rush the other day which I thought was a fantastic game. I'm currently playing LittleBigPlanet Vita, Smart As and Mortal Kombat
I'm playing Assassin's Creed: Liberation and Uncharted: Golden Abyss. I'm also spending some quality time with GTA: Liberty City Stories... which I'd never played before and am LOVING!
A little unusual, but I've actually been playing a lot of Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter(Mini). Its graphics are very dated, but there's something special about this game. It's so lonely, and it's brutally (and refreshingly) difficult to hunt larger carnivores. I miss the real kinds of hunting games (not that action-FPS Cabella crap) where you're stalking through the brush to sneak up on a dangerous animal. There aren't enough games with that kind of restraint around anymore.Granpire
I got that for my PS3 a few months back, as I used to play it a lot on PC. It's a shame there isn't cross-buy, as it probably is a fun game to play on the go.
As for what I'm currently playing: Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Assassin's Creed, Wipeout, and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (likely the closest to getting MH for the Vita for a long time). Eventually I'll be getting to the MGS HD collection, but for now that's just chilling on my memory card.
I've got several I'm rotating around:
Uncharted GA - finishing a second playthrough
Valkyria Chronicles 2
LBP Vita - trying to finish single player
Unit 13 - still havent quite finished off this one
NFS Most Wanted
Declassified multiplayer
PS All stars
Super Stardust Delta
This is an example of why I dont pay any attention to the "no games" lines. I have quite a bit to play.
This is an example of why I dont pay any attention to the "no games" lines. I have quite a bit to play.-ArchAngeL-777-Yeah idk, it seems like there are quite a few decent games out now. I guess people are still waiting for that really big killer-app on the system. But idk if there will be anything quite like that until the Vita is taken more seriously by developers.
This is an example of why I dont pay any attention to the "no games" lines. I have quite a bit to play.
Even as a Vita owner I still sometimes say there aren't enough games, but then I go into a store and find a good amount of games I still want to pick up. It really goes to show how easily it is to be persuaded by what is most often said online, which is a shame, as the Vita should get some positive articles from game sites, as there are a lot of good games for it. Though, I suppose I can't blame the reviewers that much when they compare Vita games to console games, as Sony continues to compare them in their advertisements (I've no idea why, as there's no need for it and it causes unfair comparisons).
Though, as the above user said, the Vita needs that one killer game. For me, AC: Liberations is right up there with a killer game, as it really does feel like a full AC game on the go (yeah, the framerate slows a little, but just think of the overal technical achievement). What the Vita needs is a GTA, RDR, Dark Souls, or Skyrim sort of game. Maybe not the same size as those, as they're very big games, but I'm sure there could be a cool Elder Scrolls game. I say these titles, as they will really help appeal to a Western audience (not Dark Souls as much, but I'd say the Souls games are amongst the best mix of Western and Japanese gaming on current consoles).
But Carnivores is Cross-Buy! Sort of. It's a Mini, so it's PSP (including Vita for most Minis) and PS3 compatible. You should be able to download it to the Vita right now. I actually tried to assign the triangle button (forward movement) to the top left corner of the screen so I could use the right analog for analog aiming. It actually works quite well, especially as it's not an action-oriented shooter that requires a lot of strafing.Granpire
Thanks for the heads up, I know what I'll be spending my free time playing, nothing like some dinosaur hunting on the go. I'll try out the control scheme as well.
Right now im in
Gravity rush
Hot Shots Golf
Wipeout 2048
Ps all stars
City Rampage
Mortal kombat
Assassins Creed
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