What totally awesome s*** are you playing on your PS3 at the moment?
I'm currently playing Midnight Club LA, I frickin love this game. I don't usually like racing games. Everything just seems better on a PS3, less flimsy and throw away.
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What totally awesome s*** are you playing on your PS3 at the moment?
I'm currently playing Midnight Club LA, I frickin love this game. I don't usually like racing games. Everything just seems better on a PS3, less flimsy and throw away.
Awesome. I have to try Infamous if you guys think its good, I picked Prototype instead, bad idea.
I thought Valkryia chronicles battle system was stupid, so I stopped that. Got fed up with Ninja Gaiden Sigma when I had to take out an apache helecopter with a bow an arrow... Also wanted to swap my xbox360 Devil May Cry4 for the PS3 version, but they didn't have it. :(
Devil May Cry is awesome.
inFamous. just when i thought i almost beat the game (that fight with crazy chick), they throw me two more districts i wasnt even aware of.funsohng
Ha ha, that's awesome! I hope you were enjoying the game when you figured that out. If you just thought "all right, I'm almost done, I can move on to another game," that would suck. But, If you suddenly realized there were two more islands of awesomeness left that's a pretty cool feeling.
ive been playing hot potato with my games lately.....i play abit in fallout then i go to motorstorm failsauce in a race then go play MGS3 for rest of the day
Just finished the most amazing Strat RPG Valkyria Chronicles and now since I never finished BioShock going to jump back into that...
BlazBlue. And thats it. :P raven_squadYeppers. I got my 24-hour playtime trophy within the first two days. Talk about addicting.
I was playing Resident Evil 5, but the Oblivion bug struck me again lol...
I keep going back to that game at random times, then getting sucked in. I have 70 hours of gameplay and haven't done the first bit of the main quest! lmao
I've been playing through Metal Gear Solid 4. I've already beaten it enough times, but I still enjoy playing through it. :]
Yeah I know the feeling, I must have played the first 3 chapters like 5 times each. The Second is my favourite I think, I went all green beret big boss on them.
I feel sorry for people without a PS3, like how do you even survive? I'm going home and driving at 245mph through L.A. in my deathproof dodge challenger.
[QUOTE="funsohng"]inFamous. just when i thought i almost beat the game (that fight with crazy chick), they throw me two more districts i wasnt even aware of.buckugly
Ha ha, that's awesome! I hope you were enjoying the game when you figured that out. If you just thought "all right, I'm almost done, I can move on to another game," that would suck. But, If you suddenly realized there were two more islands of awesomeness left that's a pretty cool feeling.
i was enjoying hell out of the game, but i had a lot of games to finish this summer, so i was kinda feeling that way. but when i realized i had two more areas to explore, my first response was "Sucker Punch, I love you." probably one of the most surprising moments i had in this genBeen playing a ton of infamous. I just need evil to the core on my evil save and I get the platinum. Also a little Dark Sector (great game for $8 New ha ha). As well as starting fallout 3 again for trophies and waiting for DLC or GOTY Edition.
Sylvan nice icon and I'm doing the same except I am gonna play StormriseInFAMOUS and LBP at the moment. Soon to be Tiger Woods 10.
As of recently, Wolfenstein 3D and Final Fantasy 7...oth these games take me back. Also putting in some good hours in Resistance 2
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is getting a lot of play time. I love games where you have to use your brain, instead of the 'all guns blazing' approach. Recently. I discovered you can shoot out the fire extinguishers in a MGS:2 style. Little creative touches like that really immerse me into the action. Like, the chinkle chankle of money as it falls out of a bullet ridden slot machine. :)
GTA IV is consistantly fun. I'm always coming up with wacky notions, or discovering an unexplored area of the city. Right now, I'm on an easter egg hunt. The gaming experience is always fresh.
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