The PSP has sold 77 million consoles since Dec 12 2004. PSP 1001,PSP 2001,PSP 3001, PSP Go!,PSP 1000-E. plus all of the special editions of these have helped Sony sell as many Playstation portable handhels as it has sold Playstation 3 consoles. Which are also at 77 Million worldwide.
The PSvita however has sold just 5.2 million consoles since Dec 17th 2011 worldwide. Sony has just recently cut the price of the PSvita to $199.99 worldwide so that should help Sony sell more Playstation Vita systems. Plus there are some new games coming out. Plus the ability to stream PS4 games to play on the PSvita should help.
But Sony originally predicted 10 million PSvita sales in the first year. That didn't happen, So the price cut on the PSvita system and the PSvita memory cards should help. Sony just has to releases more games for the PSvita and make sure that remote play for Playstation 4 games works day one. Sony should promote this. A Playstation 4 and PSvita Bundle may help Sony promote remote play PS4 streaming on the PSvita.
More PSvita games is the key. But Sony will be hard presssed to match the 77 million sold by the Playstation portable. There were new UMD PSP games released in Japan this year in early 2013. There are a few new PSP games in Japan/Asia region. North America/Pal regions the PSP is dead.
Sony has to keep the games for PSvita coming and promote the system in North America. But maybe 25 Million lifetime for PSvita is the best that can happen at this point.
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