Enjoyed it. Enjoy even more the whiners who constantly butthurt over the direction the franchise is going.ispeakfact
It can be amusing at times, people yammering away about something they have very little, to no control over. The series is going the way it's going because the genre has been a commercial flop of late... My question is often "Well, where were you to buy the other Survival Horror games when they were coming out? If you had spent money back then, there would be a genre today."
Lots and lots of genres have come and gone, or changed into something barely resembling themselves. Point-And Click, text-based adventures, Hell, even Platformer games aren't what they used to be with the exception of Mario on a handheld. When's the last time we got a "real" Metroid game? Gawd knows, the last one wasn't what I started the series with. And honestly, fans of the Survival Horror genre have only themselves to blame for the demise of the genre as it stood.
That's why I try to support things I enjoy, like the RE movies. I do, infact, ENJOY those trashy action pics. The new one is a lot of fun. Is it art? Hell no. But are they fun?
I would rather that the series stayed the course, most certainly. But since it's "evolving" like the viruses it centers around, I will dig on what I do, and enjoy it for what it is.
The glass is still half-full, in my book. At least we get to continue to enjoy the stories and characters some of us have been involved with for nearly 20 years.
Wow. Has it been that long??? How time FLIES...
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