Ive been looking at the reviews and it looks like so much fun! But how is it really? How is gameplay and lag like? Im getting a PS3 for christmas as right now i have a 360. Do peope still play it? Thanks
It's still active. It's hard though and much slower paced than CoD and then there's the giant learning curve... It's good, if you've got a ton of time to spend. There's some vets there with 1000+ hours poured into the game...
It's a game that requires communication: but nobody talks. You'll get sick of playing the same 2 maps over and over again. Graphics are PS2-ish Community isn't as big so a takes a little longer to find a 256 man game. Expect to die. A LOT. Factions are unbalanced, which is why you'll see SVER over and over but will hardly ever see Raven. Friendly Fire is ALWAYS on. Not only is there no communication, your teammates, and sometimes even your squad and platoon leader, have NO idea of what's going on. Gunplay isn't quite as satisfying as other shooters, and some guns are clearly more powerful than others.
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