Yeah I read a gaming magazine recently and they put the 10 things they want for God of War 3 (The Ten Commandments of God of War III) and some of these are very interesting however I don't remeber them all.
1. A discuss based weapon with motion control on the sixaxis
2. A kick ass first level were you kill lesser gods so you can move on to the big boys (Zeus, Hades etc.).
3. Bring back the gaunlet of Zeus
4. A boss battle with the mythological creature that has 50 heads and 100 hands (I forgot it's name if you no it please tell me).
5. And an ending where Kratos ultimatley dies along with all the other gods and titans (David Jaffe said the last game will explain why there are no more gods or greek mythology so it would make since.)
Plz post up more ideas!
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