That really depends on what types of games that you like to play. One game I stronglysuggest is Puzzle Quest. Some other great games you can pick up for $25 or less:Wipeout PureTekken Dark ResurectionGenesis collection
The ones off the top of head are. . Monster Hunter Freedom, Street Fighter Alpha Max 3, Tekken Dark Resurection.
I would have to say SOCOM FTB, but thats just cuz I love socom. i just got the game yesterday, have yet to play it.
Socom FTB2. Aedis Eclipse, MOHH, The Warriors, Pursuit Force, Syphon Filter DM or download the Castlevania Sotn port off the playstation store. All great games..
Can't go wrong with any of these: GTA LCS, GTA VCS, Burnout Legends, Syphon Filter Dark Mirror, MGS PO, Tekken DR
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