I was hoping that the PS4 version of Diablo III would be available at launch but Blizzard recently made a statement that it won't be ready at that time frame. SOOOO... I don't really know what I'll be getting. Watch_Dogs looks great, but it's not a launch buy for me. The Division looks sick as f***k and is my most anticipated game, but I highly doubt it'll be ready until Q3/Q4 of 2014, we'll probably see it again at E3 next year... It'll be nice to see what Activision will do with CoD: Ghosts next-gen, but I don't have my hopes high, but my hope are there none of the less... Deep Down also looks sick as hell, but again, that's probably going to be a 2014 release. Killzone: Shadow Fall looks great, but I've never played a single Killzone game despite the uber hype that surrounds them. I'm also holding off on Killzone: Shadow Fall because I have no idea how the multiplayer works or if I'll find it entertaining enough to keep me coming back to log in and play it regularly. Forget about DriveClub, Knack, and any others, they didn't catch my eye or incite enough excitement to get a response from me.
Depending on what new games they showcase for the PS4 (Sony said more exclusives & games will be released at GamesCom in August & Tokyo Game Show in September respectively, in a statement) I might end up getting Call of Duty: Ghosts, unless by some miracle, The Division gets announced for launch day status. OR, I might get a new game that hasn't been revealed yet but will be at GC or TGS.
If I do end up getting CoD: Ghosts, I'll be content playing that until I move onto something else I REALLY want when it's available.
But what do you guys want? What game are you getting at launch?
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