Uncharted- waiting for the price to drop and i LOVE long games. Good, because not worth $60
Warhawk- I still not sure if I'll like it. Hear good stuff about i. O you'll like it alrite, every ps3 owner should own this. Amazing deal for $30.
Folklore- well i think i'll buy this since the used price at gamestop is 26.99 now. Not that good of a game so meh.
Orangebox- I wasnt sure if I wanted this for PS3 or 360. Plus Im not in to shooters that much wasnt sure if I'll like it. Get it, best deal on the PS3. And the ps3 verison is now same as 360 becaseu they fixed it.
Bioshock- heard some great news about it, since i know that the PS3 is getting a better version I'll get that one. Worth a rent but not worth a buy for $60.
Burnout Paradise- still not sure about it, I did have fun on the demo, u can make it as long as you want to :). Good replay value, fun, addicting, great online, cant go wrong with $30.
Haze- if its like Timeshift, I'll love it, and bad reviews came from everywhere. truest me you dont want to waste $60 on it. Or w.e the price is except if it is like $10
Metal Gear Solid 4- It looks freaking amazing but I'll be so confused since I never played the first 3. Skip the cut scenes or watch them like i did with some. If you dont get story, the gameplay and graphics are amazing too. MGO will be really fun too.
Guitar Hero III- I actually have this one for the Wii, but if i get it for cheap I'll have downloads and better graphics. If you have it then dont buy it because graphics dont really matter in this kind of game.
Soul Caliber 4- i loved the second one the best but they seem to be going down in fun since then. Not worth $60 IMO, i had it and returned and got BF:BC instead. Gets very repeatitive and stories suck.
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