pick two of the three BATTLEFIELD 3 BATMAN ARKHAM CITY RESISTANCE 3 I have never played battlefield 3 before but i mite get this. I played Batman AA and loved it and i wanna play as cat woman. But i have all the resistance games and i wanna know what happens next now that (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) Hale died. So what should i get choose two
Battlefield 3 no doubt... the other two.. I would personally say resistance but I probably wouldn't play either. So that one is up to you. But BF3 no doubt.
BF3. I also want to see how Resistance ends I'd say hold off on it, especially since BF3 is the main mp game of the year (well ok, maybe MW3, but they're close). Never played Batman AA so I can't comment on that. BF3 looks to be the better shooter, though it's questionable on how the servers will be, and if they're as bad as for BC2 I wouldn't even bother with BF3 until it gets really cheap. At least getting Restistance you're pretty much guaranteed good servers since it's a ps3 exclusive (then again servers can't really be worse than for BC2, which actually made the game impossible for me to play a full match).
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