So i just got a PS3 and i got Killzone 2 but i really need to get another game. I am already considering getting Resistance 2 and MLB '09:The Show.
Are there any other games i should get?
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So i just got a PS3 and i got Killzone 2 but i really need to get another game. I am already considering getting Resistance 2 and MLB '09:The Show.
Are there any other games i should get?
MGS4, Battlefield Bad Company... thats pretty much all i play nowadays =P They're all horribly addictive, and will last you a loooonng time
CoD 4/W@W
Battlefield: Bad Company seems to be popular *tho they have Battlefield: 1943 coming out as a $15 download game and BF:BC 2 is coming out towards the end of this year)
TPS (third person shooter)
Resident Evil 5 (face it... RE5 isn't a horror game.. its an action game)
SOCOM Confrontation (only online, but if you enjoyed SOCOM and SOCOM 2 you'll enjoy this title aswell, comes with the sony headset and everyone online has a mic)
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (again, another is coming later this year)
MGS4 (i put this here because while it is a "shooter" its more so revolved around the story)
Eternal Sonata
Valkyria Chronicles
MLB 09'
Madden 09' (or you can wait till Madden 2010... "wonder when they will take the "Madden" part out of the name, seeing as he just retired)
"place any other 09' sports title here as they are all sports games that don't really change to much as the years go by"
Beat em' up
Ninja Gaiden Sigma (yes i know there is skill involved with the game, but it falls under this category... and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is coming out soon... however be warned, you will probably be pulling your hair out by the end of the game due to the difficulty)
Party Game
Rock Band/Guitar Hero (place whatever number they are on here)
Buzz! (trivia game that comes with little buzzers)
Little Big Planet
Street Fighter 4
the new Tekken is coming soon
if your a Dragonball fan, Burst Limit was ok, but i would suggest waiting for the second one (will probably be announced at E3)
that's all i got atm.. please people feel free to add to that list
Use the Game Recommendation thread next time.My personal choices would be.....
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