I would like to see:
A final fantasy franchise that plays like crisis core, a suikoden (tactics or the normal), & ninja gaiden
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I would like to see:
A final fantasy franchise that plays like crisis core, a suikoden (tactics or the normal), & ninja gaiden
These are the future games i wish to see
1: Robocop
2: Desert Strike (not that EA replay port i want a new one for the PSP)
3: Superman
4: Incredible Hulk
5: Romance of the three kingdoms
6: Civilization 2 or 3
7: Adult Rated games like leisure larry or something something with manga/hentai themes
8: a game like ace combat but set in world war 2
thats pretty much it
GTA: San Andreas Stories. It needn't be as "big" as the console version, just include the setting, radio, and updated abilities, like piloting planes and the jet pack! :-)
Kingdom Hearts
a good online fighter
These are the future games i wish to see
1: Robocop
2: Desert Strike (not that EA replay port i want a new one for the PSP)
3: Superman
4: Incredible Hulk
5: Romance of the three kingdoms
6: Civilization 2 or 3
7: Adult Rated games like leisure larry or something something with manga/hentai themes
8: a game like ace combat but set in world war 2
thats pretty much it
aw!! your font color hurts my eye!!
i am currently playing
tekken DR
crysis core
God of war
More realistic racing games
more fighting games
something from Rockstar
More Rhythm games
Dragon Quest VII Port
Dragon Quest (an original title)
Megaman Legends Port
Chrono Trigger Port
Chrono Cross Port
Jak Racing Game
Sly Cooper Game
Dark Cloud Game
Marvel vs. Capcom
Resident Evil
Devil May Cry
A Team ICO game
Non-Homebrew Resident Evil 2,3 and Goldeneye 64 that(I just hope virtual console or Xbox Lives picks this up oneday, i miss it(Atleast I gave it and my 64 to hurricane Katrina people)
Resident Evil (original title/remake)
Devil may cry (same as above)
MK vs. universe
Final Fantasy III through XII
that it
Suikoden is on PSP.CorruptGamerGX
I thought that was only released in Japan.
I want Xenogears, Final Fantasy VIII, any Gran Turismo, Oblivion, Soul Calibur IV, Chrono Trigger, Jet Grind Radio, and some Resident Evil.
other than u guys mention..
1) Super Robot Wars/Taisan Alpha 3 (ps2)
2) Namco X Capcom (ps2) ** i wan this sooo much !!!!! is probably not gonna happen
3) kingdom hearts.....
4) Super Robot Wars/Taisen Z (coming soon for ps2) http://www.the-magicbox.com/0804/game080423d.shtml
Another RPG like Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 and another action adventure like God Of War : Chain Of Olympus!!
(These 2 are really good, the best game on PSP yet!)
I don't need a Fatal Frame because there's already Silent Hill : Origins
I would like:devil may cry
GTA san andreas stories
Resident Evil
COD4 and a
online command and conquer game(I think it would be perfect for the psp)
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