Besides change your password or delete your personal info Portal 2? cod? download free stuff?
Im really not sure,I guess I mostly want to play online...maybe chat with some friends
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Besides change your password or delete your personal info Portal 2? cod? download free stuff?
Im really not sure,I guess I mostly want to play online...maybe chat with some friends
Synchronize trophies. I will have finished collecting all 50+ trophies from BioShock within the next few days.
If possible, download all the free themes and avatars while I can.
Download a demo or two.
Well, during the conference they said that psn will be back up before the store as well as before your friends list (store, not sure when itl be up, friends list later in the week) cancelling those 2 out if they are true, I might have heard wrong, I'll probaby just jump into some random uncharted 2 matches.
Synchronize my trophies and try the Crysis 2 multiplayer. If I can, I'm going to go get whatever free stuff is available with my free month of PlayStation plus.
Nothing different. I've just been playing Single Player games lately, usually all I do on the PS3 anyway. Finish up Knell of Ar Ciel and then start Yakuza 4.Update my trophies I guess.
I was wondering that very thing not long ago...sitius0That avatar is hilarious to see in this forum
Play black ops, just got it the day psn went down so i wanna see what online is all about. I'll probs go on rdr and play a game of liars dice, missed that.
Since my classes finished, I've had time to delve deeply into Modnation Racer's creation aspect so I want to share my amazing Cole from inFAMOUS 2 mod
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