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The blitzball orb thing, and seeing Auron for the first time is so awesome..flux_punKIt was pretty insane wathcing that opening scene where he has his eyes closed in the hot tub then all of the sudden boooosh! lol! sweetness time!
Yes. FFXlll Has to be the best opening. The fight at the ending scene with squall and sypher was HOT!FFVIII.
there always good, and apparantly xiii is going to be the most intense intro of any ffjechtsYea. Well, both Xlll & Xlll versus will have a crazy intro. I mean look who's doing it...the team from KH and look at the KH intro's and intro songs...HELLO! Lol :D
The blitzball orb thing, and seeing Auron for the first time is so awesome..flux_punKi agree X's opening movie is the best, and Auron looks awesome in that movie almost as cool as Sepiroth! and not to mention the music kicks a$$ in the opening movie
I never thought about it... but ff 11's is really, really good... but i'm sure alot of you havent even played that... 12's was pretty cool... and x's was impressive because it was one of the first games to really show off the ps2 .. 6's on anthology was cool... so was 8's. .7's set a great tone...
Anyway.. they've all been really good...
I dont remember 9's whatsoever.. it's one of my least favorite ff's .. only went through it once or so (still was a great game.. just.. not by ff's standards).
What was 9's intro movie? i know it had one.. i used to always open the ps1's disc tray to skip it when i tested games.
it was the princess in the ocean storm i believe....thats all i remember. oh and the airship with the play and the fat queen and vivi. thats pretty much it. i loved the war theme in FF9, all the cities and towns being blown up, bahamut, odin, kuja's trance. very good sequences. FF11 intro is pretty good as well i forgot to meantion that in my previous post.Â
this might change ur opinion on ff8's opening..Â this wins cuz Judges would pwn sephiroth
my fav is ff8 tho
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