[QUOTE="--Sinister--"][QUOTE="Denji"][QUOTE="--Sinister--"] I got it the first day MGS 1 came out. I was so influenced by it, and the story, that I enlisted in the USMC-SF (United States Marine Corp-Special Forces) When I arrived home a couple years later they had released MGS2 and 3. I played those and loved them to death just as much. I await MGS4 just as excited as the day I recieved the congressional Medal of Honor for my services to the United States of America. Though, MGS 3, as amazing as it was to me, I found somewhat easy. Mabye because of my priar Military knowledge and tactics? Either way, I love the series along with Splinter Cell and Syphon Filter.
(And for the record, MGS was not the only reason I enlisted, I had thought about doing so for roughly 2 years before hand, I played MGS, and I thought about it some more, and I decided too. Simply because I wanted to make something of my life and help others. Not to mention my family is very military oriented.)
I know what you mean. Gaining the status that Solid Snake has is like a dream. Being so high up and powerful that you're strictly under code name basis. But I warn you though. Don't let the US government make clones of you though if you "get up there". But the weird thing is though, remember Rex's electro rail gun? They're making that in real life:shock: Just promis us that you won't be apart of some real life Metal Gear project:P
Brother, if they call me in again, and want me to try out a nano-suit or whatever like Snake has in the new game--Im all over that!!!
But seriously, unless my country seriously needs me, or some of the information i hold, than I'd rather stay out of the military now. I saw and had to do some things that I hate myself for, but i had to do for my nation. and if im called to to help my country, i will do it without a moments notice. But like i said, i hope i dont got to.
Seriously though, a suit like what Snake has would be pretty friggin sweet!!!
I hear ya. That's why I never went for it. I don't really like the idea of killing people. I like the science of it, but not the end result (if that makes any sense) But it's not just the suit though, just being so high on the scale that not even Delta or Seal units even have clearence to know about it. Even the most elite forces are basicly chump change compared to you. Much like how Solid Snake is, or even Liquid. Question is though, would you trust nano machines though with our current technology? Or the radar? (if they were to do that for real)
Yeah. Things are different after you have to kill a person. No matter who they are or what theyve done, you will always have sorrow in your heart for them. I've been to some military prison camps in other countries and seen some twisted things. Its not until you see that crap that you realize how blessed a world we live in. And let me ask you guys a question. Have any of you heard of they country of Studastraw? (stood-a-straw) I can almost guarentee nobody has. Its a small country off the coast of Vietnam. The conditions theyre are absolutly SICK. theyre houses are made of sheets that are held up by branches and sticks. Theyre was a family there I saw during my 2 week observations mission that was so poor they had to begin killing themselves because life was so impossible to them. when I was there they had just killed theyre youngest child by drowning because they could not feed or care for it. by the time I was to leave the only person left was the father and family cow. my guess is the fathers income was cut off somehow and they just couldnt survive anymore. I had to watch them kill each other. and that family still haunts my dreams.
BUT, I can almost promise that everybody knows about brittney spears. or even jamie spears. Which, do you think is exactly more news worthy? a dying country that needs us more than ever, or jamie spears being pregnant? This is our world. I love my country and if needed i WILL go serve again, but people dont understand wat are troops go through. they ruin theyre lives during warfare AND when they get home. they do it for the people who think its all free. for the people who dot understand.
too answer your question denji, no, i dont trust most machines. I dont even like using guns. All of my missions me and sometimes a group i was sent with, we were NEVER caught or seen, and I have only used a gun once. The other times I used a combat knife and my hands. And for those who dont know, in Spec Ops, you are not allowed to use anything less-than-lethel. Were not allowed to let anybody who sees us live. man, women, or child. we CANNOT be seen and we CANNOT risk a larger conflict if caught. I was never caught. and unfortunetly, that came at the cost of several human lives.
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