way way too many games to count my friends.
Metal Gear Solid 4
Fallout 3
Elder Scrolls Oblivion (not for everyone i should say)
Killzone 2
Little Big Planet
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Assassin's Creed
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare
Lost Planet : Extreme Condition
Mirror's Edge
Far Cry 2 (check reviews it is not everyone's type of game)
Resistance : Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Dead Space
Armored Core : For Answer (this is not for everyone check it out further)
Ghostbuster : The Video Game
Tom Clancy HAWX
Tom Clancy Endwar is an allright game if you have the Mic, otherwise don't get it
Red Faction : Guerrila
a lot lot more....
Coming Soon:
Batman Arkham Asylum
Bioshock 2 : Sea of Dreams
Assassin's Creed 2
Modern Warfare 2
Demon's Souls (a very very hard game)
White Knight Chronicles
Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves
The Saboteur
Metal Gear Solid : Rising
The Last Guardian
Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time
Lost Planet 2
Fallout New Vegas
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy Versus 13
Gran Turismo 5
God of War 3
Heavy Rain: Origami Killer
ModNation Racers
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Mirror's Edge 2
PSN Games:
Mortal Kombat 2
PixelJunk Eden
PixelJunk Monsters
PixelJunk Shooter (Coming Soon)
Super Stardust
Gravity Crash
Penny Arcade Episode 1 and 2
1942 Joint Strike
Heavy Weapon
Last Guy
Burn Zombie Burn
There are LOTS of games. my 'short list' of games proves once and for all PS3 has games. there is no such as "Until the PS3 can get more good games"...
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