What sequels did u play without plaing the original?
for me im gunna start Uncharted 2 after batman and never played drakes fortune, will one day
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What sequels did u play without plaing the original?
for me im gunna start Uncharted 2 after batman and never played drakes fortune, will one day
With FF, it doesn't really matter what order you play them in (except for 10 and 10-2) since they're not specifically tied to one storyline. For me it would have to be Skate2.I started playing RE4 without playing any of the others. And FF series I started at like 9 I think then played 10, 7, 8. I think that was the order.
[QUOTE="2Chalupas"]Assassins Creed 2.NotAFurryI'm planning to skip Assassin's Creed 1 too, but I did try it for a few hours. The last sequel I played without playing the original was Rainbow Six Vegas 2, although I did use to play Rogue Spear and Raven Shield on PC. if you plan to skip assassin's creed 1, you should at least look up some of the main story points. You can still enjoy assassin's creed 2 without knowledge of the first, but it definately makes the experience better if you have knowledge of the first. same with games like Uncharted 2
AC2,Uncharted 2, MGS4, and soon to be ff13(I played ff7 but just for 1 hour), Halo 3,MW2. I dont really game alot.
i was thinking about buying resistance 2 for the multiplayer... would i be missing out if i skipped the first in the series?
also... i was wondering the same thing about killzone 2? is it necessary to play the first one?
What sequels did u play without plaing the original?
for me im gunna start Uncharted 2 after batman and never played drakes fortune, will one day
Disgaea 3
Civilization revolution
Devil may cry 4
Persona 3
Elder Scrolls IV
Resistance 2
Far Cry 2
Condemned 2
Skate 2
Red Faction: Guerrilla (Never played the original as I'm not really a fan of FPS though I really did like this game reminds me of Saints Row 2 a lot)
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction (Never played the R&C games on the PS2 but I wish I did considering all R&C games on the PS3 are great fun)
Halo 3,. Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Elder Scrolls IV, and last but not least..... Street Fighter II (I can't even remember a first one)
On PS3, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Killzone 2. Overall, DMC4 (played 1 and 3 but not 2), Fable II, and MW2. I also played Star ocean: The Last Hope without playing any other SO games, but since its actually the first game chronologically, I didn't put it. I always try to play all the games in a series in chronological order.Texas2089
well DMC2 was so much garbage that i refuse to acknowledge its existence. You didnt miss anything and i really mean that because the story for 2 was completely irrelevant to the series.
RE4, then I played REmake.
Battlefield 2
MGS2 then MGS4, haven't played the third.
Half-Life 2
Fallout 3
Elder Scrolls III then IV
Burnout 3 then Paradise
Grandia 2, Warcraft 3, G.T.A. San Andreas, G.T.A. Vice City, Twisted Metal Black, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past, Zelda II: Link's Adventure, Streets of Rage 2, Gauntlet Legends,Star Wars:Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire, Final Fantasies: 8, Mystic Quest, 5. That is all I can think of for now.
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