Ok, for a hellof a time ive been sitting on the fence not knowing which way to go. Here are my choices....
Go one way : Get a PS3
The other way: Get a hdtv
Note that i have a SDTV ( ones 20", other is about 27", and another is about 50 ") And that i also have a 360 w/ live. So im not sure which one to get. Id like a new HDTV, but the graphics really can't get any better (mindblowing that id HAVE to have one ). I also want a PS3 because its free and some games are coming out that i want (KZ2). But what games could i get? RFOM might be one, but idk bout MGS 4 because i never got into the series and i dont see whats so great about it from what ive seen in gameplay videos. I need help PLEASE!
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