:shock: The review for Silent Hill: Origins was completely unfair. To tell you the truth I think he didn't play the entire game. In my opinion this is the best Silent Hill game. The reason is it returns to the storyline of the first and third games. It also stays away from the popular trends of overused Japanese Horror like the Ring and the Grudge. Silent Hill 2 and 4 are the games that stay away from what I believe the story is about. Those are good games yet I like to finish one story before I go to another. However look at the content of SH:O. The concept of the mirror transporting you from one dark world to another is simplistic and great. Next they use 4 dark exisistences. First dark world is based on the first game which reminds you of that rusted out and bloody atmosphere. The second dark world is in the one used in the second game. This atmosphere is run down and depressing.
In the third game the environment is almost alive and fleshy which by far is the creepiest. The fourth game experimented with how would other environments look if it had the silent hill touch put to it. Which that game did'nt even get the Wish House orphanage right. Origins uses all of that and then some. They introduce new environments such as the theater which if you change the stage setting you can see through the mirror a reality of what's on the stage. However I'm sure the distinguished author of that review really went to all the detail to support his argument. Goes to show you that most of your gamers today are avid players who think they can take a shot at the great games which they don't hardly play.
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