I already posted this on the Official Playstation website and let some ppl give their opinions on this and now giving Gamespot users to give their opinions on this topic as well.
First, let me say the the PSN is an outstanding network and Sony cleary knows how to give good quality towards their consumers. Now on to business. The PSN is great, but it needs more of that appeal in order to compete with Xbox Live. Here are my ideas and I hope Sony reads this thread and acknowledges it for future firmware updates:
1. Message Inbox Checklist.
- Instead of deleting messages one by one, Sony should require a checklist of all the messages that the PS3 owner wants to be deleted.
2. Voice Chat Area.
- This one isn't all important, but when talking to someone in a private voice session with friends, there should be some text on the bottom of the PSN-ID telling where they're talking from what city or country.
3. Include Music Store.
- Since the PS Store finally has a video demand, Sony should also include a music store for users who want to browse on their PS3 instead of uploading music from their computer. Require a bunch of music industries to allow their content on PSN.
4. In-Game Voice Communication.
- This should be included in the PS3. Just like Xbox Live, Sony should include a voice chat feature like message and instead of typing a message towards a friend online, it should require a voice chat message if the user has a microphone or headset.
5. Playstation Eye in-game photo
- This feature that I came with sounds pretty cool. If a PS3 user has a Playstation Eye peripheral, they can take pictures of themselves in-game and upload their expressions just like Burnout Paradise for example. When playing online with the match ending showing the player rankings, it should upload their expressions or a video showing them if they won or lost.
I hope Sony can pull off some of these ideas into future updates which will really be coming up to par with Xbox Live.
Accepting all friend requests!!!:)
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