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alright man i'm going to take care of you....
I assume you have never played metal gear solid 1-3 seeing as how you dont own MGS4 but on the off chance my guess is wrong, DEFINATELY GET MGS4!!! if you havent i would avoid it, it wont make any sense.
if you like RPGs (Role playing games like final fantasy stuff) ;
Final Fantasy XIII - Great graphics, Great story, cool battle system, all around good times. I'm about 70 hours in on my first playthrough and im still not done (dont listen to the linearity complaints)
Fall out 3 - so much to be said about this... It's a massive, massive game with tons and tons of quests and exploration to do. another game with insaine amount of hours for one playthrough
Valkyria Chronicles - I personally hated this game. i think it is absolutely worthless.... but it has a strong following. its a strategy JRPG. read the review to get a better idea about this game. i didnt make it past like 1-2 hours so i really dont know how it develops.
Demon Souls - im getting tired of this so just read the review on it- strong strong following and gamespots game of the year for '09
Dragon Age- just like it sounds- ur in the dark ages (i believe) and u fight dragons
all these games will give u lots and lots of hours of gameplay on their first playthrough. but if all i had was RPG's i would gouge my eyes out.. so i suggest getting 1 or 2 max at one time. for me 2 RPG's at once is wayyyyyyyy too much.
if you like FPS (first person shooters)
Killzone 2 - its an exclusive to the ps3 so ill start with this.. the online is very cool. you rank up, get new abilities, use those abilities to unlock new abilities.... differents characters that have different special abilities... very very fun for its online aspect. single player has cool graphics and is relatively fun to play through but dont expect to want to do it again once you've done it
Modern Warfare 2 - only played this for a minute but it was very very cool, if you are into the more realistic type FPS, in that its actual army guys instead of the helgast like in KZ2. i've heard mixed things by the people who own it, but if you are not a FPS pureist im sure you will see nothing wrong with this game.
Resistance 2 - more of a halo-esc type game in that it has aliens and alien guns
Battlefield bad complany 2 - this game looks siiiiiiiiiiiiick you can do stuff you cant do in any other FPS like blow out walls or blow up buildings all together.. definately check this out if you are considering a FPS
k im done with this...
check out:
Infamous (cheap)
Uncharted 1 (cheap)
uncharted 2
Batman AA (probably cheap)
Assassins creed 1 (very very cheap)
assassins creed 2
street fighter 4
for racing games:
motor strom i find fun
people who like racing games havent said horrible things about Need for speed
Gran Tourismo is coming out later this year if u want to wait and save some cash if thats your thing
other fighting games:
Blaz Blu - i've heard great things about this from the fighting enthusiasts
i suggest getting some of the older games because they are kick ass and you will be able to get more games because they are significatly cheaper.
MGS4 is worth playing 1 ps1 game and 2 ps2 games to get to it, i did it.
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