Mine was when N64 came out and no one could find any of them in stores for X-mas. I remember telling my Parents I understood that they would'nt be able to find one and not expecting anything. Then X-mas Eve came and my Grandma came over with a huge box and said I could open it that night instead of waiting till the next morning (wish I had opened it in the morning), when I opened it there it was N64 with Mario 64! I played it untill 12:00am when my parents forced me to go to sleep. Needless to say I slept worse then ever that x-mas.
Looking back Mario 64, Zelda ocarina of time, Smash Bros, Waverace, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and I am sure a few I missed were really awesome games!!! 64 did not have a lot of great games but the ones they did man did I play them for a looooonnnggg time!!
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