I was just checking out the PSP forum and notice how few posts there are compared to the DS forum, but that's not the point...
The point is that I stumbled across this topic and I would like to say that the PSP seems like a dying breed. I can guess why:
The PSP has long loading times while the DS has none. The PSP's battery life is considerably shorter than the DS's, especially when you consider that most of that life is being spent on loading screens. The DS Lite is smaller, lighter, and smexier. The PSP is frikkin huge. It will take up your entire pocket. On the DS, you can pirate massive amounts of games if you're into that sort of thing. The DS closes so its screens and buttons are always protected. I suppose you could use the sleeve for the PSP, but that only makes it chunkier. The DS Lite's screen is has a range of lighting settings. The PSP's highest brightness setting cannot even compare to the DS's 4th. The DS can play GBA games. Carts pwn. Memory cards do not... You can play music and movies on a PSP, but why waste your precious few hours of battery life on that. You probably already have an iPod. I mean, who doesn't...
After all the hardware stuff I mentioned, it all comes down to game preference. The PSP has better graphics. The DS has more unique gameplay. The DS is getting a ton of new games this year including a new Zelda, more Final Fantasy, the Ninja Gaiden sequel (who saw that one coming?), and a Sims spin-off. The games that are already out are amazing enough. The PSP gets the FF Tactics remake though. Damn you PSP!
Anyways, that's my take on DS vs PSP. If you want the other side, ask a PSP owner. All you DS owners are now free to attack me as you please. I wont be here to read your attacks though. This forum is very, very boring.
P.S. I've spent a good amount of time playing both so this actually isn't as biased as you think. It's still pretty biased though. ;)
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