It depends on what you give more weighting to.
Character Modeling Kratos > Drake
Environment Uncharted 2 > GOWIII
To me, they are both visually stunning at times but I would have to give a slight edge to GOWIII due to the detail put into Kratos and his movements.
I dunno, Kratos looked good and all but there's not much to him. I'm not sure how they animated Kratos, but Drake and the cast of UC2 were all done by the actors in mo-cap suits, therefore giving complete realism to any and all animation. Plus the way their clothes hung off them, hair moved, Chloe's ass...er, um, what?
Kratos is the first character that I have ever seen where his muscles actually flex when moving. That brings a level of detail that impressed me. I am not saying that character modeling was bad in Uncharted 2.
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