Hold up, let me call my main man Kojima.......ring...ring......ring...ring..."You have just reached Kojima's voicemail, if you are calling in regards to MGS release date or any information pertaining to Snake's release date, I will not be answering those questions. Oh and by the way, screw you" Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
DS3 is out already in Japan as Soal said, but you can import it. I dont know how long it will take, and I dont even know what the big deal about it is either.
MGS4 is coming out in Q2 of 2008, no solid release date has been confirmed as of now though. We're supposedly getting a demo in Febuary, but I doubt it unless I hear it from Kojima. Also, Ive heard that MGS4 is now playable from start to finish with no bugs, but I dont know anything beyond that.
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