Now that Sony and Immersion have sorted out their differences when are they going to re release the controllers with the added dual shock technology??
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Now that Sony and Immersion have sorted out their differences when are they going to re release the controllers with the added dual shock technology??
No1 really knows when a new one will be released, but a RUMBLE SIXAXIS is definitely in the works...
Hopefully, we can here more about this 'Touchsense' technology from E3 in a couple weeks...
looky here>>>
hmm wasn't immersion being sued by microsoft cause microsoft bought rights or something? expanded
I was thinking the same thing. After Immersion and Sony came to an agreement, MS stepped in and said that immersion could not work with Sony because MS and Nintendo hold shares of stock from Immersion, therefore, own part of the company, whereas Sony does not own any stock with them. It was some issue like that if I remember correctly.
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