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Other: While at home, I have a 600 square foot room that is used as my bedroom, with a bed in a corner, my computer desk is across from that. Usually, it has both my Mac Pro and my gaming PC, but since I'm home for the holidays, I have my gaming PC with me.
Then, on the other side, there's my surround sound mounted on the walls, my 50" LCD 1080p HDTV, my PS3, 360, and Wii.
It's pretty great. While at school, I've got a cheaper 32" HDTV for gaming in my room.
i like to have my stuff in my bedroom ... but now that my hdtv is in repairation for more than a month .... it's in the livingroom (will go back to my bedroom eventualy)
... in that living room, we don't have surround with the HDTV (neither do i in my bedroom) ... in the other living room, when, one day, we will buy an hdtv i will leave my ps3 there because it has a 5.1 surround
I have 2 PS3's, one in the bathroom and the other one in the bedroom. I'm looking to get one for the kitchen and the living room, but I need moneys.
I wish. I play in my room. My very small room.
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