I'm suprised to see so many people saying Egypt, it's very cliche don't you think and mummys arn't a very popular or origonal idea.
I'm doing a joint Archeology degree at Aberdeen University and me and a few guys from the Class actually sit down and discuss good Unexplained arcehological stories that could be used in lectures (There not intertaining lectures).
1.) Something to do with the Mayans...Before the European discovery of A the Americas the Mayan Civilizastion collapsed an no-ones ever been to fully understand why and the unkown element means ND can run away with the story. That and the Large underground Rivers which run through caves the entire way to the sea adds scare factor if the want to make Jumpy enemies and means it's plausabile whatever they do Isn't discovered.
2.)Easter Island..... I'm sure most of you know about it, athlough perhaps to Similar too DF.
3.)Babylon and Alexandrea. During there time they were both Cultural centres with the larges Libraries in the world with there entire collections being distroyed, Perhaps someone was trying to cover something up by destroying all the information on it but some survived.
4.)Something to do with the Nazca lines (Google them theres potential for a intresting plot, perhaps to similar to indiana jones tho)
5.) The Cliff Dwelings in North Amerca like Mesa Verde in Colarado and similar sites
6.) Theres also a unexplained stone city in Zimbabwe (I think) which is not understood at all due to the area not adoping Agriculture and making large populations unfeasable
Edited both times for spelling.
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