I don't think I have seen so may great titles crammed into Q1 as in 2010. Usually it's always later in the year you see so many great games. Hmm, you know if Q1 2010 has so may great titles it's possible Q4 is going to be a lot more chaotic :shock: Good thing I have been saving....
So 3 games, Im sure the rich ones amongst you will purchase a lot more but let me know the 3 games you will not miss, purchase day 1 no matter what.
I'll start...
Heavy Rain - Nudity. Need I say any more? lol I have been quite interested in this title since the famous Tech demo in 2006, recently the trailers have confirmed the game as a must buy. I love games with emphasis on story that's why I hold MGS as the best series ever. Heavy Rain looks to be even better in the story department, the game doesn't end when you die. Based on this the game can last anywhere from 12 hours (maybe) to 2 hours, if you're really bad, lol. The multiple endings will ensure a lot of replayability.
God of War 3 -Though Devil May Cry is still my favourite Hack series I feel that GOW is the best all round hack n' slash title. Call it an adventure game or a platformer but it still stands that GOW is the most entertaining series in recent memory. I loved every min of the demo and am anxiously looking forward to see how the story concludes. January is the month when GOW3 will be shown in it's finished form, well the game is still gonna get a lot of polish till March but right now it can be played from start to finish. Can't wait and they better have the mini game in GOW3, a GOW title without the minigame is not a GOW title.
Yakuza 3 - Finally FINALLY! The game is being released in the West, Europe too. Usually when a niche title gets released to the West it only means America but this time Sega was kind enough to release the game in Europe too. They listened to gamers and for that I am really thankful. I must have played the demo 20 times, I didn't understand a word but it was the closest thing to being in Japan :P the gameplay was also superb and Kazuma is the coolest character ever!
Well Im not gonna miss these titles no matter what but hopefully I will also be able to purchase WKC and FF13 too, if not day 1 then soon.
Right. Anyone else?
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